Scallops with peaches

This is a flavoursome little starter. Takes no time to prepare and will not last on the plate either.

Serves 2


  • 6 scallops
  • 1/4 teaspoon of chilli flakes
  • Large bunch of rocket
  • 1 small cooking chorizo, sliced
  • 1 peach, cut into segments


Preheat a griddle pan to hot
Brush the peach segments with oil and quickly sear just to add a little flavour and colour, keep to one side
Pour a little oil in a bowl and add the chilli flakes
Dip the scallops in the chilli oil and straight into to the pan for 3-5 minutes until coloured on both sides and almost cooked all the way through (so they just have a little give when pressed)
Place the chorizo into the chilli oil and add to the pan for the last 2-3 minutes of the scallops’ cooking time (colour on both sides)
Arrange on a plate with the rocket and serve
