Sponge cake
This recipe uses chestnut flour instead of plain flour. It is a denser cake with a subtle nutty flavour.
Makes 1 10-inch cake
- 5 medium eggs - at room temperature
- 306g butter - at room temperature (plus extra for greasing)
- 306g caster sugar
- 306g chestnut flour
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
Preheat the oven to 180C, with an oven shelf ready in the middle.
Line and grease your cake tin
Add all the ingredients into a bowl and whisk until pale and fluffy
Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 50 minutes before checking with a skewer
Leave to cool, turn out, cut in half and fill with fruit and lightly whipped cream