Rye Bread

Rye bread is terrific stuff. This tutorial explains how it differs from wheat, its gluten-mimicking pentosans and a simple technique for making a delicious loaf, addressing some basic misconceptions along the way.

There are many types of rye bread out there, each with their own uses and advantages. But because 100% rye bread is generally associated with heavy, dense loaves (like the one in this tutorial), many people are unaware of the versatility and benefits when it comes to baking with this classic grain.


500g rye flour
350ml water
2 tablespoons of cooled espresso coffee
10g salt
10g easy bake yeast
1 tablespoon of honey
100g cooked spelt. cooled
50g rye flakes
25g poppy seeds (plus extra for topping)
25g pumpkin seeds
25g sunflower seeds
2 teaspoons caraway seeds
1 egg, beaten (to glaze)

  1. Combine the flour with salt and yeast
  2. Add the rye flakes, followed by the honey and combine
  3. Add the seeds and cooked spelt, mix
  4. Combine the water with the coffee and pour into the flour bowl
  5. Now everything just needs to be thoroughly combined
  6. Then leave it to rest for two-and-a-half hours
  7. Once that’s done, press it into a bread tin and let it rest for another 2 hours
  8. Preheat the oven to 220C
  9. Glaze with the beaten egg and sprinkle with a few more poppy seeds
  10. Bake in an oven preheated to two-hundred-and-twenty degrees centigrade, for about 40 minutes.
  11. Look for a deep, but not burnt, brown colour on top.
  12. Use the tap test to determine if its ready – it should sound hollow when tapped on the underside
  13. If it doesn’t sound hollow, return it to the oven.
  14. Leave to cool for at least an hour before slicing